🎸 Nashville Concerts to See This Month: April

Outdoor concerts are upon us..

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This is the April edition of Concerts to See This Month. In it, we will highlight our top monthly recommendations for live music in Nashville.

We will try to balance cheaper and pricier concerts. We consider many factors, including value, star power, the electricity of the shows, and more.

April brings some warmer weather and, with that, some outdoor shows. The Ryman is mostly having comedy shows this month, so if you are interested in that, here you go: https://www.ryman.com/full-calendar/2025/April

Please click on each artist to pull up details about their show.

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⭐️ My Concert Pick of the Month: Megan Moroney at the Pinnacle

There are a lot of great concerts this month so this was not easy but I figured since we’re in Nashville, I had to pick a country concert. I do not know much about the opener, but Meg Moroney is worth the price of admission herself. I am sure you’ve seen her “Am I Okay” hats around Nashville or on social media. She blew up a year or two ago and is becoming one of the biggest things in country music. These shows are worth the resale value!

Have a great day, and get out and see some great music!

Hueston Nelson | Publisher | The Nashville Grapevine